TED Ageing Better in East Lindsey

HART member, Dr Hayden Bird, has recently been involved in the publication of the latest TED Ageing Better in East Lindsey (Lincolnshire) learning report, focusing on ‘adaptation’ in the sector. ‘The sector’ includes organisations, communities, and wider stakeholders who work with and/or engage with people aged 50 and over, providing a range of services. This includes, but is not limited to, the VCS, statutory sector, and private sector providers, and applies to services provided by both employed staff and volunteers. It also draws on findings from holders of the TED Age-friendly Business Award.

As with prior TED learning reports in the series, the focus is on COVID-19, and learning how short-term changing landscapes can inform longer-term engagement with ageing populations. The report comprises three thematic areas of learning: 1) Drivers of Adaptation: Appreciating needs, preferences and their fluidity 2) Rapidly Responding, Forward Planning; and 3) ‘Community Sensitivity’, ‘Collaborative Work’ and Integrating Delivery

A free copy of the learning report can be found here: Learning Report.Adaptation Feb 2021.

About Prof Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson

Professor in Sociology & Physical Culture, Director of HART, University of Lincoln.

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