Georgia Clay: Health-Enhancing Physical Activity

During 2021, HART researcher, PhD student, and Associate Lecturer, Georgia Clay, attended the Health Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) three-day summer school entitled ‘An Ecosystem Approach to Health Enhancing Physical Activity Promotion’ hosted by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the Continue reading Georgia Clay: Health-Enhancing Physical Activity

Rachel Langbein: Successful PhD defence

The start of this academic year saw HART Researcher Rachel Langbein successfully defend her dissertation research which explored the psychological experience of low energy availability in sport and exercise. Rachel recently reflected on her main findings and experiences of the Continue reading Rachel Langbein: Successful PhD defence

New HART/LSEP Articles in Sport and Exercise Psychology

As the new academic term draws near, we are delighted to see members of HART and Lincoln Sport and Exercise Psychology Research (LSEP) recently publishing articles in sport and exercise psychology journals. Dr Patricia Jackman and Rebecca Hawkins, along with Continue reading New HART/LSEP Articles in Sport and Exercise Psychology