Presentation on cardiac rehabilitation research

HART PhD student, Joanna Blackwell, recently presented her sociological doctoral research at the international PGR Connect Seminar Series, organised by Dr Trish Jackman of Lincoln Sport & Exercise Psychology Group. She is a dual PhD student with the University of Lincoln Continue reading Presentation on cardiac rehabilitation research

Physical activity for older adults

Researchers in HART and the School of Sport & Exercise Science (Robyn Hambrook, Geoff Middleton, Daniel Bishop, Lee Crust) together with a colleague (David R Broom) at Sheffield Hallam University, have recently published a narrative review in the Journal of Continue reading Physical activity for older adults

Copenhagen Consensus: physical activity & ageing

older runner

HART researchers, Joanna Blackwell and Adam Evans, together with international colleagues representing nine countries and a variety of academic disciplines met in Snekkersten, Denmark, to reach evidence-based consensus about physical activity and older adults. It was recognised that the term Continue reading Copenhagen Consensus: physical activity & ageing

Physical activity & ageing in ex-Servicemen

Dr Rachel Williams, a former PhD student in HART and now one of our Associate Members, has recently had one of her articles from the doctoral study published in Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise & Health*.  Rachel’s qualitative research explored Continue reading Physical activity & ageing in ex-Servicemen

Ex-service personnel, physical activity & ageing


Rachel Williams, a full-time research student with HART, is undertaking a doctoral research project on ex-service personnel, as part of a wider HART programme on physical activity, physical cultures and embodiment, led by HART Director, Dr Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson.  As part of this Continue reading Ex-service personnel, physical activity & ageing